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- EHEC - Alarm im Darm. Pollmer U, Stein M: Rundschau für Fleischhygiene und Lebensmittelüberwachung 2011; 7; 239-240
- Die Bedeutung der "Küche" für die Evolution des Menschen. Muth J, Pollmer U: Züchtungskunde 2010; 82: 40-56
- Brennpunkte der Lebensmittelsicherheit: mikrobielle und chemische Risiken. Pollmer U: Zeitschrift für Allgemeinmedizin 2001; 77: 448-454
- The spice trade and its importance for European expansion. Pollmer U: Migration & Diffusion 2000; 1: 58-72
- Chemische Nachweise von Suchtmitteln des Altertums. Pollmer U: Acta Ethnologica et Linguistica 2000; 72: 235-251
- The influence of early experience with vanillin on food preference later in life. Haller R, Rummel C, Henneberg S, Pollmer U, Köster EP: Chemical Senses 1999; 24: 465-467
- The occurence of 4-chlorotryptophane in Vicia faba. Fock A, Kettner J, Böttger M: Phytochemistry 1992; 31: 2327-2328
- Novel foods: flavor design and malnutrition. Pollmer U: Agro-Industry Hi-Tech 1990; 2: 43-45
- The erythrocyte aggregation value as a measure of the risk of myocardial infarction and arteriosclerosis of peripheral arteries. Ruhenstroth-Bauer G, Porz P, Boss N, Lehmacher W, Stamm D: Clinical Cardiology 1985; 8: 529-534.
- Erythrocyte aggregation values. A measure of myocardial infarct risk factors and of vascular lesions. Ruhenstroth-Bauer G, Porz P, Boss N, Koenig-Erich S, Lehmacher W, Stamm D: Münchner Medizinische Wochenschrift 1983; 125: 771-774.
Adlercreutz, Herman
- Excretion of estrogens, catecholestrogens and phytoestrogens in carriers of BRCA1 gene mutations: effects of metformin. Berstein LM, Koskela A, Boyarkina MP, Adlercreutz H: Neoplasma 2010; 57: 333-338.
- Lignans and human health. Adlercreutz H: Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences 2007; 44: 483-525
- Vital exhaustion, anger expression, and pituitary and adrenocortical hormones. Implications for the insulin resistance syndrome. Keltikangas-Järvinen L, Räikkönen K, Hautanen A, Adlercreutz H: Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 1996; 16: 275-80.
- Phytoestrogens: epidemiology and a possible role in cancer protection. Adlercreutz H: Environmental Health Perspectives 1995; 103 Suppl 7: 103-112.
Böttger, Michael
- Wound-induced apoplastic peroxidase activities: their roles in the production and detoxification of reactive oxygen species. Minibayeva F, Lüthje S, Kolesnikov O, Chasov A, Beckett RP, Vylegzhanina N, Buck F, Böttger M: Plant Cell Environment 2009: DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3040.2009.01942.x
- Are Redox Reactions Involved in Regulation of K+ Channels in the Plasma Membrane of Limnobium stoloniferum Root Hairs? Grabov A, Böttger M: Plant Physiology 1994; 105: 927-935.
- Inhibitors of the plasma membrane redox system of Zea mays L. roots. The vitamin K antagonists dicumarol and warfarin. Döring O, Lüthje S, Böttger M: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes 1992; 1110: 235-238.
Hübner, Hans F
- Endorphins, Eating Disorders and Other Addictive Behaviors. W.W. Norton, New York 1993
Kaunitz, Hans
- Kochsalz und Hypertonie. Kaunitz H: Zeitschrift für Ernährungswissenschaft 1979; 18: 88-93
- Biological Effects of Salt. Kaunitz H, Johnson RE: Zeitschrift für Ernährungswissenschaft Suppl. 22, 1979
- Dietary use of MCT. Kaunitz H in: Lang K, Fekl W, Berg G (Hrsg.): Bilanzierte Ernährung in der Therapie. George Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 1971.
- Interrelations of linoleic acid with medium chain and long chain saturated triglycerides. Kaunitz H, Slanetz CA, Johnson RE, Babayan VK: Journal of the American Oil Chemist's Society 1959; 36: 322-325.
- Utilization of food for weight maintenance and growth. Kaunitz H, Slanetz A, Johnson RE: Journal of Nutrition 1957; 62: 551-559
Koch, Heinrich P
- Der polare Trockenextrakt und das etwas andere Wirkprinzip. Koch HP: Pharmazeutische Zeitung 1999/35
- Der lange Weg zum "geruchlosen Knoblauch". Koch HP: Pharmazie in unserer Zeit 1996; 25: 186-191
- In vitro inhibition of adenosine deamniase by a group of steroid and triterpenoid compounds. Koch HP et al: Phytotherapy Research 1994; 8: 109-111.
- Garlic: The Science and Therapeutic Application of Allium Sativum L. and Related Species. Koch HP, Lawson LD (Hrsg.): Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore 1996
- Ganzheitsmedizin. Koch HP, Unger A: Facultas Universitätsverlag, Wien 1996
- Synopsis der Biopharmazie und Pharmakokinetik. Koch HP, Ritschel WA: ecomed, München 1986
Köster, Egon P
- Incidental and Intentional Flavor Memory in Young and Older Subjects. Moller P, Mojet J, Köster EP: Chemical Senses 2007; 32: 557-567
- Does Olfactory Memory Depend on Remembering Odors? Köster EP: Chemical Senses 2005; 30 (suppl 1): i236-i237
- Incidental Learning and Memory for Three Basic Tastes in Food. Köster MA, Prescott J, Köster EP: Chemical Senses 2004; 29: 441-453.
Pirlet, Karl
- The healing power of nature. Pirlet K: EU.L.E.N-SPIEGEL 1997/ 7
- Die Heilkraft der Natur. Erfahrungsheilkunde 1996; 49: 848-859
- Antibodies to histones of th IgG and IgM class in systemic lupus erythematosus. Pirlet K: Clinical and Experimental Immunology 1984; 58: 49-56
Schildknecht, Hermann
- Reiz- und Abwehrstoffe höherer Pflanzen - ein chemisches Herbarium. Schildknecht H: Angewandte Chemie 1981; 93: 164-183
- Chemische Ökologie - Ein Kapitel moderner Naturstoffchemie. Schildknecht H: Angewandte Chemie 1976; 88: 235-243
- Myrmicacin, The First Insect Herbicide. Schildknecht H, Koob K: Angewandte Chemie International Edition 1971; 10: 124-125